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Welcome to Rocky

We develop Chirstian Leaders.

I work full time: online courses fit into my schedule, and I’ve heard great things about the school from my friends.

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I could engage with other students and with the prof, but in a way that allowed me to remain in the communities I was already embedded in.

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Rocky Mountain College’s Mission

As an accredited institution of Christian higher education RMCs mission is to provide quality Christian learning that results in transformed lives.

Our Values

As an institution of Christian higher education, RMCs primary value is helping others find the meaningful life offered by Jesus (John 10:10).

This primary value causes RMC to be energized by both a personal and professional commitment to an education that is grounded in:

  1. A biblical world view.
  2. The church as the body of Christ.
  3. The disciple-making mandate of the church.
  4. The development of strong leaders as a critical element in creating disciple-making ministries.
  5. The pursuit of partnerships with local and global ministries.
  6. The engagement of students in sound educational practices which enable them to live effectively in 21st century.
  7. The active engagement of students in life changing ministry while being grounded in biblical character and faith.
  8. The integration of knowledge, personal Christian development, and application to real life.
  9. The delivery of quality Christian learning to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
  10. The integration of mentoring and coaching in student lives as they study.

Statement of Belief

Rocky Mountain College is positioned within the historic mainstream evangelical community, as represented by this Doctrinal Statement.

  • The Godhead:

    There is one God, eternally existent and equal in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus Christ:

    Jesus Christ came incarnate, was born of a virgin, and was resurrected bodily from the dead.
  • The Holy Spirit:

    The Holy Spirit convicts and reproves the world of sin, sanctifies and indwells the believer, instills the believer with stability and power, and leads into all truth.
  • Scripture:

    Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, is, in the original manuscripts, divinely inspired, infallible, and the supremely authoritative Word of God.
  • Salvation:

    Salvation is the work of Jesus Christ whereby, following the response of our faith and repentance, we are forgiven and experience newness of life in Christ Jesus, receive the Spirit of adoption and are made heirs of the Kingdom of God.
  • Sanctification:

    Sanctification is the empowering by God of the believer, through the Holy Spirit who indwells and fills, to live a life of continuing growth in righteousness and holiness. The sanctified life is expressed through love out of a pure heart and obedience to the Word of God.
  • Church:

    The church is the Body of Christ which emerged at Pentecost and is composed of believers who enter that body through conversion. The local church is a manifestation of the universal church organized for fellowship, instruction, prayer, and witnessing.
  • Second Coming:

    Jesus Christ will return imminently in glory and power to call the church to Himself and establish His kingdom forever.
  • The Future:

    The future will include the resurrection of the dead, the future general judgment, and an eternal state in which the righteous experience eternal life and the wicked, endless punishment.